Course Outcome

The science of Dental Materials is a constantly evolving field. Continued research has led to new material systems and changing concepts in the dental field. At the end of the course, student will be able to Course outcomes Knowledge levels(K1-K6)
CO1 To learn understand the evolution and development of diverse scientific aspects of dental materials. K2
   CO2 To attain and convey knowledge of physical, chemical and biological properties and advantages and disadvantages of various materials used in dentistry K2
CO3 To gain knowledge of biomechanical requirements of particular restorative material and its application & limitations in the long term.  K2
CO4 To calibrate and regulate the standards or specifications of various materials in order to guide the manufacturers as well as to help professionals in the field of dentistry K2
CO5 To undergo research purposes for advanced and modified materials for the requirements present in the field of dentistry K6
CO6 To acknowledge and appraise the claims made by manufactures of dental materials. K4
CO7 To comprehend about the composition, properties, manipulative techniques and their various commercial names. K3
CO8 To attain skills to select and use the materials pertinently for laboratory and clinical application. K2
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