
The broad goal of teaching under graduate students in pharmacology is to inculcate rational and scientific basis of therapeutics keeping in view of dental curriculum and Profession.


At the end of the course the student shall be able to:
i. Describe the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of essential and commonly used drugs in general and in dentistry in particular,
ii. List the indications, contraindications; interactions, and adverse reactions of commonly used drugs with reason,
iii. Tailor the use of appropriate drugs in disease with consideration to its cost, efficacy,
safety for individual and mass therapy needs,
iv. Indicate special care in prescribing common and essential drugs in special medical situations such as pregnancy, lactation, old age, renal, hepatic damage and immuno compromised patients,
v. Integrate the rational drug therapy in clinical pharmacology,
vi. Indicate the principles underlying the concepts of “Essential drugs”.
vii. Recognise and report adverse drug reaction to suitable authorities.

Course Outcome

The broad goal of teaching under graduate students in pharmacology is to inculcate rational and scientific basis of therapeutics keeping in view of dental curriculum and Profession.

At the end of the course the student shall be able to: Course outcomes Knowledge levels(K1-K6)

Define and describe the principles of pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics.

Describe the mechanism of action, doses, side effects, indications and contraindications of the drugs acting on various body organs and systems.

   CO2 Tailor the use of appropriate drugs in disease with consideration to its cost, efficacy, and safety for the rational therapy needs of individual and mass. Prescribe drugs for common dental and medical ailments. K4
CO3 Demonstrate the various dosage forms and the various routes of drug administration such as oral, SC, IV, IM, K3
CO4 To appreciate adverse reactions and drug interactions of commonly used drugs K2


Describe principles of Pharmacovigilance & ADR reporting systems.

CO6 Critically evaluate drug formulations and be able to interpret the clinical pharmacology of marketed preparations commonly used in dentistry K2


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