- Department of conservative and endodontics consists of UG and PG clinic and preclinical lab .
- UG clinic occupies an area of 2423 sq feet with 22 chairs of which 3 are OP chairs and remaining 19 are treatment chairs.
- PG clinic occupies an area of 2348 sq feet with 9 chairs , 1 for each PG student.
- We have two established x-ray unit which occupies an area of 42 sq feet adjacent to the PG and UG clinic.
- Separate dispensers are provided for UG and PG clinic which supplies the dental materials and
instruments as required . - Microsurgical room occupies an area of 122 sq feet with specialized endodontic microscope .
- Apart from clinics we have separate room for preclinical training with an area of 1782 consisting of 40 phantom heads. Instruments are sterilized in sterilization room. Department consists of it’s own dental lab for prosthetic works .
- Two staff clinics for the faculty members. Separate cabins are provided for staff and PG students.Presentations are done in seminar room with an area of 315 sq feet.
• UG CLINIC – 2423 sq feet
• UG PRECLINIC – 1782 sq feet
• PATIENT WAITING AREA – 349 sq feet
• PG CLINIC – 2348 sq feet
• PG PRECLINIC – 1782 sq feet
• PG ROOM – 87 sq feet
• MICROSURGICAL ROOM – 122 sq feet
• X-RAY ROOM – 42 sq feet
• SEMINAR HALL – 315 sq feet
• DENTAL LAB – 277 sq feet
• HOD ROOM – 125 sq feet
• STAFF ROOM 1 – 150 sq feet
• STAFF ROOM 2 – 87 sq feet
PG STAFF ROOM – 125 sq feet
• Feed Back Box – To deal with the concerns and queries of the patients.
• Patient Preference – Giving treatment priority for high range patients as well as from far off places considering the time and distance for travel.
Department library consists of 41 titles with total of 53 books.
1. STURDEVANTS : Art and science of operative dentistry- 4 th edition
2. CHARBENEAU : Principles and practice of operative dentistry – 3 rd edition
3. MARZOUK : Operative dentistry
4. ANUSAVICE : Phillips science of dental materials – 11 th edition
5. GOPIKRISHNA : Preclinical manual of conservative dentistry and endodontics.
6. HARSH MOHAN : Essential pathology for dental students
7. STANLEY F MALAMED : Medical emergencies in dental office
8. GROSSMAN : Endodontic practice 11 th edition
9. NISHA GARG : Textbook of operative dentistry
10. WHEELER’S : Dental anatomy , physiology and occlusion – 8 th edition