The fifteenth edition of the two-day national-level surgical workshop, ‘STOMA’ (Surgery Training in Oral and Maxillofacial Advances), organized under the auspices of the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Mar Baselios Dental College, Kothamangalam, was held on September 1 & 2, 2024 in association with Indian Dental Association, Malanadu Branch. The workshop was officially inaugurated by Mr. Binoy Thomas Mannancheril, Secretary of MBMM Association. Mr. Preetcy Paul, Director Board Member, College Dean Dr. Varghese Mani, College Principal Dr. Byju Paul Kurian, College Administrator Dr. Thomas Mathew, HOD of Oral Surgery, Dr. Sankar Vinod and IDA Malanadu President Dr. Pradeep Philip George also spoke on the occasion. During the two-day program, lectures on pertinent topics were delivered by Dr. Varghese Mani, Dr. Sankar Vinod, Dr. Arun George, Dr. Joy R. Das, Dr. Jinu Elizabeth James, Dr. Sarah Paul, and Dr. Majo Ambooken. Participants were given demonstrations and hands-on training on surgical removal of impacted teeth, implant placement, and laser procedures. More than a hundred doctors from within and outside Kerala participated in this continuing education program approved by the Kerala Dental Council.
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STOMA fifteenth edition conducted