The new Students’ Union of Mar Baselios Dental College, ‘Srishti’ was officially inaugurated on August 9, 2024 in the College Auditorium. Ms.Abiya Biju, Chairperson, welcomed the gathering. Mr. Babu Mathew Kaippillil, Vice President of MBMM Association presided the function. Mr. Binoy Thomas Mannancheril, Secretary of MBMM Association inaugurated the function. Principal, Dr. Byju Paul Kurian installed the new Union office bearers and administered the oath. Mr. Arvind S, Chairman and Mr.Jogeo P.F., Secretary of the outgoing Union elaborated their activities. Mr. Shahanas Hussain, Chairman of Srishti Students’ Union delivered the acceptance speech. Ms.Diya Anil, Joint Secretary outlined the proposed Union year plan. Felicitations were extended by Dr. Jayan Jacob Mathew, Vice Principal, and Dr. Elza Thenumkal, Staff Advisor. Ms.Sheethal Hilarion, Chairperson, proposed the vote of thanks.
News and Events
‘Srishti’ Students’ Union inauguration