Dr. Jimmy George
Education : MDS
Teaching Experience : 5 Years
Email address :
Teaching Subjects
Areas of Clinical Interest
Full mouth Rehabilitation, Smile designing, Implant dentistry
Institutional Responsibilities
Faculty representative in Students grievance cell.
Member of Institutional Academic forum for scientific activities.
Staff in charge for quiz activity in Extracurricular activity club.
Memberships in professional organizations
Life member of Indian Prosthodontic Society
List of Publications
1 | Byju PK, Babu C, Anu AA, Minu R, Jimmy G, Saranya R. A Prosthetic management of flabby ridge in complete denture fabrication – A Case Report. J Clin ProsthImpl 2021;3(1):18-22 |
2 | Jimmy George, Anoopa Paulose, Jinsa P Devassy, Jacob George. Immediate loading in implant dentistry: A review.The journal of Prosthetic and Implant Dentistry.2021; 4(3) :118-22. |
3 | Devassy JP, Pradeep N, Sreekumar AV, George J, James J, George J. Comparative evaluation of retentive strength of polyvinyl siloxane impression materials to custom tray using different tray adhesives: An In Vitro study. Dent 3000. 2020;8(1):1–10. |
4 | Abraham AS, George J, Thomas D, Cherian B. Rehabilitation of dentition affected by stage IV periodontitis through an interdisciplinary approach. J Interdiscip Dentistry 2020;10:122-5 |
5 | Jimmy George et al. Stem cells in dentistry: A review. Malanadu Dental Journal.2020;9(2):31-36. |
6 | Manju Mary K,George P. John,Babu Cherian,Jimmy George.Zirconia in Prosthodontics. The journal of Prosthetic and Implant Dentistry. 2018; 1(2): 127-32. |
Presentations in Regional, National and International Seminars/Conferences/Workshops
SI.No | Title of the Presentation | Name of the Organizing Agency | Regional/National /International | Date of program |
1 | Comparative evaluation of adherence of candida albicans on denture base materials | Dental Students welfare association |
National |
15-16/12/2017 |
2 |
Dental follicle stem cell cultures | Indian Prosthodontic Society, Kerala State Branch, Thiruvananthapuram |
State |
14-15/10/2017 |
3 | Multidisciplinary approach in management of missing teeth-A case report | Indian society of Prosthodontics-restorative-Periodontics, Chennai |
National |
25-27/8/2017 |
4 | Maxillofacial Materials | Foundation for Oral Facial Rehabilitation- Amrita Institute of Medical Science, Kochi |
National |
23-25/3/2017 |
5 | Dental follicle stem cell cultures – an innovative approach to bone regeneration | Indian Prosthodontic Society, Navi Mumbai |
National |
1-4/12/2016 |
6 | PEEK-An innovative material in Prosthetic dentistry | Indian Prosthodontic Society, Hyderabad |
National |
4-6/12/2015 |
7 | Full Mouth Rehabilitation | Indian society of Prosthodontics-restorative-Periodontics, Mahe |
National |
7-9/8/2015 |
Short Courses or Certificate Programs
SI.NO | Subject or Specialization | Board or University | Pursuing/ Date of Award |
1 | Porcelain Laminates: When,Where & How? | Indian society of Prosthodontics-restorative-Periodontics |
9/8/2015 |
2 | Evidence Based Implantology | Indian Prosthodontic Society | 6/12/2015 |
3 | Maxillofacial Prosthetics Outreach Programme | Foundation for oral-Facial Rehabilitation | 25/3/2017 |
4 | Self-learning programme on MOODLE | Kerala University of Health Sciences | 21/12/2020 |
Completed Research Projects
SI.No | Title of the Project |
Enter Funding details if any (Amount in Rs.) |
Role Performed (principal /co-investigator) |
Date of Completion |
1 |
Comparative evaluation of surface adherence of candida albicans to different denture base materials pre-coated with saliva: An in vitro study |
NIL | Principal investigator | 27/11/2017 |