
Dr. Jayan Jacob Mathew

Education : MDS
Teaching Experience : 16 Years
Email Address:

  Teaching Subjects

    • Periodontology

  Research Guidance

    • Post-graduate guide since 2011.

  Areas of Clinical Interest

    • Aggressive periodontitis
    • Pulpo-periodontal lesions
    • use of electrosurgery in Periodontics
    • Suture substitutes



 Institutional Responsibilities

  • Internship Coordinator
  • IQAC Coordinator
  • Academic Person Responsible (PR) for Institutional Academic Committee

Memberships in professional organizations

  • Indian Dental Association (Secretary IDA Malanadu 2012-2013, President IDA Malanadu 2015)
  • Editorial Board Member of Clinical Dentistry Journal
  • Cochin Periodontists Society (Secretary 2010-12, President 2014-15)
  • LifeMember Indian Society of Periodontology
  • LifeMember Indian Society of Prosthodontics Restorative Periodontics
  • Society of Periodontists and Implantologists of Kerala (Secretary 2019-2022)


List of Publications 

1 ValiyaveetilKarattil L, Joseph RS, Ambooken M, Mathew JJ. Evaluation of serum concentrations of hs-CRP and Hb in varying severities of chronic periodontitis. Biomarkers. 2022 Feb 2:1-6. doi: 10.1080/1354750X.2022.2032349. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 35060836. 
2 Soma Susan Varghese, Sreenivasan Bargavan Sarojini, Philips Mathew, Jayan Jacob Mathew Immunopathological Concepts Behind Autoimmunity Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2018 Oct, Vol-12(10): ZE01-ZE04
3 Jose KA, Ambooken M, Mathew JJ, Issac AV, Kunju AP, Parameshwaran RA. Management of Chronic Periodontitis Using Chlorhexidine Chip and Diode Laser-A Clinical Study.Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2016 Apr, Vol-10(4): ZC76-ZC80
4 Annie V. Issac, Jayan Jacob Mathew, Majo Ambooken, Arun Kachappilly, Ajithkumar Pk, Thomas Johny, LinithVk, Anju Samuel Management of Chronic Periodontitis Using Subgingival Irrigation of Ozonized Water: A Clinical and Microbiological Study Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2015 Aug, Vol-9(8): ZC29-ZC33
5 Majo Ambooken, PK Ajithkumar, Jayan Jacob Mathew, Anu Kuriakose. Periodontal infections and atherosclerosis: Mechanisms of association. Oral and maxillofacial Pathology Journal 2015:6 (2); 615-620
6 Kuriakose A, Ambooken M, Jacob J, John P. Modified Whale’s tail technique for the management of bone-defect in anterior teeth. Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology. 2015;19(1):103-106. doi:10.4103/0972-124X.145826.
7 Satheeshkumar PS, Mohan MP, Jacob J, Restricted mouth opening and trismus in oral oncologyOral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol. 2014 Jun;117(6):709-15
8 Emmatty R, Mathew JJ, Kuruvilla J. Comparative evaluation of subgingival plaque microflora in pregnant and non-pregnant women: A clinical and microbiologic study. Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology. 2013;17(1):47-51. doi:10.4103/0972-124X.107474.
9 Mathew JJ, Arun Kumar MS, Bhat KM. Evaluation of a porous hydroxyapatite alloplast in the management of grade II furcation defects in molars; A case series.Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry. 2012;4(2):e97-e101. doi:10.4317/jced.50726.
10 Elizabeth Eldho, Jacob Francis, Majo Ambooken, Jayan Jacob Mathew. Understanding patient perspectives of relationship between periodontal and systemic health: A hospital-based cross-sectional study. Clinical Dentistry 2021; XV; 12-21.
11 Reshma S.Joseph, Majo Ambooken, Jayan Jacob Mathew, Priya John Chlorhexidine for local drug delivery in periodontitis – A review Journal of Indian Dental Association – Kochi 2020:2;7-11
12 Anakha Mariam Basil, Majo Ambooken, Jayan Jacob Mathew, Linta Thomas. Cyanoacrylate tissue adhesives: A practical alternative to sutures?Journal of Indian Dental Association – Kochi 2020:2;12-15
13 Elizabeth Eldho, Majo Ambooken, Jayan Jacob Mathew Diagnostic criteria and treatment protocols for periimplant mucositis and periimplantitis Malanadu Dental Journal 2020:9:31-37
14 Jacob P.Francis, Majo Ambooken, Jayan Jacob Mathew, Anu Kuriakose.Injectable platelet rich fibrin – A review Journal of Indian Dental Association – Kochi 2020:2;16-22
15 Majo Ambooken, Renjana S, Jayan Jacob Mathew Interdisciplinary management of endodontic perforations Malanadu Dental Journal 2020:9:21-25
16 Nithya Susan george, Majo Ambooken, Jayan Jacob Mathew, Aidha P Y, Rasha P. Razak Creeping attachment – enhancing root coverage naturally Journal of Society of Periodontists and Implantologists of Kerala 2019; 11: 5-7
17 Kurian George, Arif P A, Jayan Jacob Mathew, Majo Ambooken, RashaP.Razak Early implant failure due to suspected compression necrosis: A case report Malanadu Dental Journal 2018:7:241 – 246
18 Abin Sam Abraham, Renjana S, Majo Ambooken, Jayan Jacob Mathew,Jimmy George, Cini P Moideen, Arya Ranjit Eattummal. Multidisciplinary approach in the management of a dentition with severe periodontalcompromise– A case report Journal of Society of Periodontists and Implantologists of Kerala 2018; 10: 185-188
19 Nithya Susan george, Majo Ambooken, Jayan Jacob Mathew, Aidha P Y, Rasha P. Razak, Keerthi V R Plasma cell gingival enlargement with associated periodontitis – A case report Journal of Society of Periodontists and Implantologists of Kerala 2017; 9: 133-135
20 CiniP.Moideen, Majo Ambooken, Jayan Jacob Mathew, Abin Sam Abraham, Arya Ranjit Eattummal, Hari Prasad R Lip repositioning surgery for managing excessive gingival display in a patient with chronic periodontitis – A case report Journal of Society of Periodontists and Implantologists of Kerala 2017; 9: 144-146
21 Renjana S, Majo Ambooken, Jayan Jacob Mathew, Karthika Menon, Arif PA, Arun Kumar CB. Cilnidipine-induced gingival enlargement: A review Journal of Society of Periodontists and Implantologists of Kerala 2017;9:81-85 
22 Anand AS, Ambooken M, Mathew JJ, Harish Kumar K S, Vidya K C, Koshy LS. Antifungal-prescribing pattern and attitude toward the treatment of oral candidiasis among dentists in and around Kothamangalam in Kerala: A survey. Indian J Multidiscip Dent 2016;6:77-80
23 Linu Sara Koshy, Majo Ambooken, Jayan Jacob Mathew, Manju Babu, Asha S.Anand. Platelet rich fibrin, the novel biomaterial: A review. Malanadu Dental Journal 2016 :5 (1); 9-12
24 Majo Ambooken, Arif P A, Jayan Jacob Mathew, Renjana S, Karthika Menon. Labial-cervicalvertical groove management with glass ionomer cement and composite resin: A case report. Journal of Cochin Periodontists Society 2016;1:23-25
25 Manju Babu, Jayan Jacob Mathew, Majo Ambooke, Linu Sara Koshy, Asha S. Anand, Ebin T. M. Awareness among General Dentists towards Periodontal Treatment – A SurveyJournal of Indian Dental Association 2016; 10 (6): 31-35
26 Majo Ambooken,ArunKachapilly,Linith V. K.,Jayan Jacob Mathew,Ajithkumar P K ,Ranjit A P 7. Oro-antral communication through periodontal defect: A case report Int J Dent Health Sci 2015; 2(1): 192-197
27 Priya John, Majo Ambooken, Anu Kuriakose, Jayan Jacob Mathew10. The perio-restorative interrelationship expanding the horizons in esthetic dentistry. J Interdiscip Dentistry 2015;5:46-53.
28 Majo Ambooken, Annie V.Issac, Jayan Jacob Mathew, Anu Kuriakose, Priya John. Advanced anesthetic techniques in Periodontics: a review JSPIK 2013 Dec; 7(2), 68- 71
29 Majo Ambooken, Linith V.K, Jayan Jacob Mathew, Anu Kuriakose Management of palatogingival groove; a case report Journal of Society of Periodontists and Implantologists of Kerala 2013;7:68-71
30 Majo Ambooken, Jayan Jacob Mathew, Rishi Emmatty, Anu Kuriakose.Gingival depigmentation using electrosurgery; a case report Journal of Society of Periodontists and Implantologists of Kerala 2011;5:15-16
31 Jose M, Emmatty R, Mathew JJ, Johnson JS. Photodynamic therapy in the management of periodontaldiseases: A review Kerala Dental Journal 2010;33: 176-179
32 Jayan Jacob Mathew, Bhat K M Localized periodontitis associated with palate-gingival grooves in adjacent maxillary incisors; a case report Journal of Society of Periodontists and Implantologists of Kerala 2009; 3 (1): 22-25

Presentations in Regional, National and International Seminars/Conferences/Workshops

SI.No Title of the Presentation Name of the Organizing Agency Regional/State /National  /International Date of program
1 Laser applications in Periodontics; A contemporary Evaluation Azeezia College Of Dental Sciences & Research State 2022
2 Deciphering Diagnostic Dilemmas In Periodontics Dept. of Periodontics, IGIDS Regional 2021
3 Covid & Gum Health: Tobacco as a Common Risk Factor IDA Trivandrum Regional 2021
4 Perioaesthetics 7th Rapid Review, Azeezia College Of Dental Sciences & Research State 2021
5 Vitamin D; A Novel Risk Factor for Aggressive Periodontitis ? 44th ISP National Conference National 2019
6 Managing Gummy Smiles ISP National Perio Under graduate Convention 2019 National 2019
7 Current Concepts in Periodontal Suturing COPS Regional 2018
8 Suturing and Periodontal Wound Healing SPIK Mid-term Conference State 2018
9 Current opinions in the management of biofilms and periodontal diseases ISP-Listerine Regional 2013
10 Periodontal Surgical Techniques STOMA 11, MBDC State 2011
11 Herpes Viruses in Periodontitis 38th National Conference of ISP National 2003

Short Courses or Certificate Programs

SI.NO  Subject or Specialization Board or University Date of Award
1 Certificate program in Health Science Education Technology (C-HSET)

Kerala University of Health Sciences

October 2019

Completed Research Projects

Sl. No Title of the Project Role Performed (principal /Co-investigator) Date of Completion
1 Management of chronic periodontitis using subgingival irrigation of ozonized water-A clinical and microbiological study Co-Investigator 10-12-2013
2 Evaluation of the efficacy of two commercially available desensitizing agents containing 8% arginine with calcium carbonate and 5% calcium sodium phosphosilicate and iontophoresis in dental tubule occlusion: An in-vitro scanning electron microscopic study. Co-Investigator 26-10-2014
3 Effect of ozone therapy as an adjunct to scaling and root planning(SRP) on glycosylated haemoglobin(HBA1C)levels in type 2diabetes patients with chronic generalized periodontitis: A clinical trial. Co-Investigator 26-11-2015
4 Evaluation of salivary aspartate aminotransferase(AST)levels following one stage full mouth disinfection and conventional no surgical periodontal therapy in patients with chronic periodontitis. Co-Investigator 24-11-2016
5 Comparative evaluation of the effect of instrumentation with conventional and double graceycurretes on periodontally involved root surfaces: An invitro sem study. Co-Investigator 28-11-2017
6 Comparative evaluation of the efficacy of injectable platelet rich fibrin with standard platelet rich fibrin membrane when used in combination with composite alloplast in the management of periodontal intrabony defects-A split mouth observational study. Co-Investigator 22-11-2018
7 Comparative evaluation of effectiveness of 3-0 silk suture (ethicon) and fibrin adhesive (fibroseal) in flap closure following conventional flap surgery. Co-Investigator 18-02-2021
8 Comparative evaluation of cyanoacrylate tissue adhesive and silk suture as flap closure materials in surgical management of periodontal osseous defects-a split-mouth clinical study Co-Investigator 15-01-2022

On Going Research Projects

Sl. No Title of the Project Role Performed (principal /Co-investigator) Expected Date of Completion
1 Comparative evaluation of I-PRF and low-level laser therapy as an adjunct to scaling and root planing in chronic periodontitis: a split mouth study. Co-investigator 23-11-2024
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