‘Creativity is seeing what others see and thinking what no one else ever thought’
                                                                                                        Albert Einstein

          The Literary Club is a platform where creative minds get a chance to express their thoughts and feelings. It has been instrumental in building a community of creative, imaginative and thoughtful human beings. A well-functioning Literary Club in MBDC fosters and encourages the creative reading, speaking and   writing skills of our students. Club is open to anyone and everyone who shares a passion for Literature and wishes to join in the promotion for reading and writing.  The club primarily conducts literary competitions for its members at college level and encourage the participation of its members in competitions at Intercollegiate, University and State levels.

Further, the Club brings out the annual College magazine to provide space for the students’ creativity to flower. Various literary pieces and artworks are showcased on it, sharing it with the like-hearted and encouraging others to participate.


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