General Medicine focuses on the art of diagnosis and treatment of all diseases. Knowledge in general medicine imparts the ability in our students to treat chronic and acute illness and also provides preventive health care in their profession. The Department of General medicine in the college is a well-organized department with well-trained staff and all necessary facilities.
Special emphasis should be given throughout on the importance of various diseases as applicable to dentistry.
i. Special precautions/ contraindication for anaesthesia in oral and dental procedures in different systemic diseases.
ii. Oral manifestations of systemic diseases.
iii. Medical emergencies in dental practice.
A dental student should be taught in such a manner that he/she is able to record the arterial pulse, blood pressure and be capable of suspecting by sight and superficial examination of the body, diseases of the heart, lungs, kidneys, blood etc. He should be capable of handling medical emergencies encountered in dental practice.