Grievance Redressal Committee Members
As per the direction from KUHS, a Grievance Redressal Committee for Students (GRCS) has been constituted in our institution with. the following members for a period of one year w.e.f 17-04-2021.
Sl. No. | Name | Designation | GRCS Designation |
1 | Prof. Dr. Joy Mathew | Professor & HOD | Chairperson |
2 | Ms. Sreenidhi Antharjanam | Reader | Secretary |
3 | Dr. Jimmy George | Asst. Professor | Faculty representative |
4 | Dr. Joby Paulose | Asst. Professor | Warden, Boy’s Hostel |
5 | Dr. Atic Thomas | Asst. Professor | Assistant Warden, Boys’ Hostel |
6 | Dr. Ektah Khosla | Professor | Warden, Girls’ Hostel |
7 | Dr. Anoopa Philip Asst. | Professor | Assistant Warden, Girls’ Hostel |
8 | Dr. Sonia Susan Philip | Asst. Professor | Assistant Warden, Girls’ Hostel |
9 | Dr. Salil G | Reader | SSG Cell Nodal Officer |
10 | Dr. Manju Korath | Reader | SSG Cell Nodal Officer |
11 | Dr. Febi Kuriakose | Asst. Professor | SSG Cell Nodal Officer |
12 | Sri. Renjith Kumar | PTA President | PTA Representative |
13 | Mr. Jerin Johny | IV BDS Part I | Chairman, Student’s Council |
14 | Mr. Advaith S | IV BDS Part I | General Secretary, Student’s Council |
15 | Ms. Elizabeth Merina Jacob | III BDS | University Union Councillor (UG) |
16 | Dr. Vineeth N.H. | 1 MDS | University Union Councillor (PG) |