Grievance Redressal Committee Members

As per the direction from KUHS, a Grievance Redressal Committee for Students (GRCS) has been constituted in our institution with. the following members for a period of one year w.e.f 17-04-2021.

Sl. No. Name Designation GRCS Designation
1 Prof. Dr. Joy Mathew Professor & HOD Chairperson
2 Ms. Sreenidhi Antharjanam Reader Secretary
3 Dr. Jimmy George Asst. Professor Faculty representative
4 Dr. Joby Paulose Asst. Professor Warden, Boy’s Hostel
5 Dr. Atic Thomas Asst. Professor Assistant Warden, Boys’ Hostel
6 Dr. Ektah Khosla Professor Warden, Girls’ Hostel
7 Dr. Anoopa Philip Asst. Professor Assistant Warden, Girls’ Hostel
8 Dr. Sonia Susan Philip Asst. Professor Assistant Warden, Girls’ Hostel
9 Dr. Salil G Reader SSG Cell Nodal Officer
10 Dr. Manju Korath Reader SSG Cell Nodal Officer
11 Dr. Febi Kuriakose Asst. Professor SSG Cell Nodal Officer
12 Sri. Renjith Kumar PTA President PTA Representative
13 Mr. Jerin Johny IV BDS Part I Chairman, Student’s Council
14 Mr. Advaith S IV BDS Part I General Secretary, Student’s Council
15 Ms. Elizabeth Merina Jacob III BDS University Union Councillor (UG)
16 Dr. Vineeth N.H. 1 MDS University Union Councillor (PG)
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