Dr. Mathews Baby
Education : MDS
Teaching Experience :
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Teaching Subjects
Public Health Dentistry
Areas of Clinical Interest
Planning and Evaluation of Public Programs
Institutional Responsibilities
Out Reach Program Coordinator
List of Publications
1 | N. Vijayakumar, Shobha M, Mathews Baby. Knowledge and Experience about medical emergencies among BDS students in a Dental College, Bangalore KDJ 2013; Vol. 36, no. 4:250-253 |
2 | Mathews Baby, Priyadharshini HR . Prevalence and Determinants of Tobacco use Among Pre-University College Students, Bangalore, India J Young Pharm, 2016; 8(2): 1-10 |
3 | Eby Aluckal, Anzil Ksa, Mathews Baby. Association between Body Mass Index and Dental Caries among Anganwadi Children of Belgaum City, India. The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice, October 2016;17(10):1-5 |
4 | Dennis mohan, Joseph joy, Civy Pulayath, Mathews Baby. Assessment of fracture resistance capacity of various post systems in endodontically treated treated teeth: an Invitro study. International journal of oral care and research, October – December 2017;5(4):282-285 |
5 | Anju Mary Daniel, Dr. Eby Aluckal, Dr. Giju Baby George, Dr. Mathews Baby. Etiopathogenisis of Oral Sub Mucous Fibrosis. Research Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacodynamics. 9(3): July -September, 2017 |
6 | Teresa jose, Gijubaby, Mathews baby. Etiology, Diagnosis and treatment for Xerostomia. Malanadu Dental Journal; Jan- mar 2018;ISSN No. 2348-201X |
7 | Lata warad, Civy pulayath, Mathews Baby. Assessment of oral health knowledge,Dental caries, and periodontal status among attendants of degree colleges in south India. IJOCR, January- march 2018;6(1):24-29. |
8 | Eby Aluckal, Mathews Baby, Renu Jagan et al. “The Role of Prions in Dentistry – A Need to be Concerned and Known”. EC Nutrition 15.12 (2020): 13-15. |
9 | Rani KBS, Ramanna PK, Mailankote S, Pavithra K Ramanna, Shilpa Mailankote, Arun K Joy, Archana A Thomas, Mathews Baby.Evaluation of Anticaries Efficacy of Various Fluoride Varnishes on Artificial Enamel Lesion: An In Vitro Study. J Contemp Dent Pract.2021;22(7):774–777. |
10 | Anoopa Paulose, Mathews Baby, Blessenty Joy, Haritha Babu. Tooth Supported Overdenture with Ball Attachments and Copings: A Case Report. J Orofac Res Vol 11 | Issue 1 | Jan-Mar 2022 |