Dr. Elza Thenumkal

Education : MDS
Teaching Experience : 11 Years
Email Address:

  Teaching Subjects

    • Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry

  Areas of Clinical Interest

    • Pediatric Endodontics
    • Growth modification

   Memberships in professional organizations

    • MEMBER OF IDA Malanadu branch

List of Publications

1 Attitude of general dental practitioners towards child patients. Annals and Essences of Dentistry.2015;7(3):1-5
2 Effects of different dentinal drying methods on the adhesion of glass ionomer restorations to primary teeth. Journal of indian society of pedodontics and preventive dentistry 2019: 37 (2) 127-132
3 Knowledge, attitude and awareness of the paediatricians in preventing dental caries in children of Ernakulum district.2015;7(3):5-8

Pediatric syrups: A risk to enamel microhardness. Annals and Essence of dentistry.2017;9 (4):5a- 9a

5 Early childhood caries as a diagnostic aid to severity of anaemia in children- Fact or Fad. Annals and Essence of Dentistry,2018; 10(1)1a-4a.
6 Oral findings in asthmatic patient – review of literature. Amrita Journal of Medicine 2014,pg.4-8
7 Peripheral ossifying fibroma in anterior maxilla of a pediatric patient- a case report. Annals and essence of dentistry 2016
8 Pediatric syrups: A risk to enamel microhardness. Annals and Essence of dentistry.2017;9 (4):5a- 9a
9 Early childhood caries as a diagnostic aid to severity of anaemia in children- Fact or Fad. Annals and Essence of Dentistry,2018; 10(1)1a-4a
10 Oral findings in asthmatic patient – review of literature. Amrita Journal of Medicine, 2014,pg.4-8
11 Peripheral ossifying fibroma in anterior maxilla of a pediatric patient- a case report.Annals and essence of dentistry 2016
12 Correction of anterior crossbite using modified transparent aligners – An esthetic approach. Contemporary Clinical Dentistry. 2016.


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