Dr. Anu Vijayan

Education : MDS
Teaching Experience : 8 Years
Email Address:

Teaching Subjects



Research Guidance


  1. Prevalence of ponticulusposticus among central Kerala population – A digital radiographic study
  2. comparison of effectiveness of virgin coconut oil and amelaxanox 5% oral paste in management of recurrent apthous ulcer.
  3. Morphology of palatal rugae patterns and maxillary canine index for gender determination among central kerala population
  4. assessment of alveolar bone height and bone thickness in anterior maxilla in central Kerala population – A CBCT study
  5. Assessment of accessory mental foramen – a CBCT study
  6. Assessment of COVID 19 symptoms during and after infection in patients visiting dental clinic – a questionare based survey

Areas of Clinical Interest

  • Diagnosis and Management of orofacial pain
  • Screening and early detection of premalignant and malignant lesions
  • Radiological diagnosis of pathology and implant planning with CBCT images

Institutional Responsibilities

NAAC criteria 5 Head

Secretary – Women Cell

Member – Disciplinary committee

Memberships in professional organizations



Past Executive member – Association of stomatologist and maxillofacial imageologists kerala



List of Publications

1 Vijayan A, Asha M L, Babshet M. A case report highlighting the role of dentist in the diagnosis and management of HIV-AIDS. Bangalore Dental Journal 2012;3(1):4-8.
2 Vijayan A, Asha M L, Babu S, Chakraborty S. Prospective Phase II Study of the Efficacy of Transcutaneo us Electrical Nerve Stimulation in Post-radiation Patients. Clinical Oncology,2014;26(12):743-747
3 Asha ML, Chatterjee I, Patil P, Vijayan A. Herpes Zoster Leading to Viral Osteomyelitis or Neuralgia Inducing Cavitational Osteonecrosis?. Int J Sci Stud 2014;2(6):125-130.
4 Vijayan A, Asha M.L., Naveen S., Ingita Mukhejee. Elastography: A novel diagnostic method. International Journal of Maxillofacial Imaging 2016;2(4):129-132
5 Kamala R, Vijayan A , Vical P , Brijesh S. Auriculo Condylar Syndrome -A Case Report with Differential Diagnosis. International Journal Dental and Medical Sciences Research 2018;2(7): 01-06.
6 Roy G, Vijayan A, Shajahan S, Anuja S, Mathen RE Oral Leukoplakia: An Insight. Int J Oral Health Med R
7 Anuja S, Vijayan A, Mathen R E, Shajahan S, Roy G. Calcifying Epithelial Odontogenic Cyst: An Uncommon Variant. International Journal Dental and Medical Sciences Research. 2018; 2(8):48-52.
8 Rashmi EM, Kamala R, Anu Vijayan, Pretty PP, Sonia SP. Sickle call beta thalassemia:A rare entity. Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology Journal 2019;10(1):35-40.
9 Anu Vijayan, Gigi Roy, Beenakuary TP, Sonia SP, Anju ET. Melatonin: A new dawn in dentistry. Malanadu Dental Journal 2019;8(3):23-27.
10 Gigi Roy, Anu Vijayan, Sonia SP, Sheeba Padiyath, BeenaKumary, T .P. Anju ET Prevalence of ponticulus posticus among central kerala population. A digital radiographic study. International Journal of Current Research2019;11(02):1568-1571
11 Nimisha K, Anu V, BeenakumaryTP, Sonia SP, Anju ET. Virtopsy: A Ray of Enlightment into field of forensics. International Journal Dental and Medical Sciences Research 2021;3(2):592-7.
12 Nimisha K, Anu V, BeenakumaryTP, Sonia SP, Anju ET .Lichen Planus – An array of pavements ahead in the management. Malanadu Dental Journal 2021;10(1):24-31.
13 Raina SR, Anu V, BeenakumaryTP, Sonia SP, Anju ET. A Miracle hand of nature in the management of oral lichen planus. Malanadu Dental Journal 2021;10(1):17-20.
14 Nanma S, Sheeba P, Anu V. Juvenile Pemphigus Vulgaris – 2 case reports. International Journal Dental and Medical Sciences Research. 2021; 3(2):499-505
15 Sreeparvathy.R, Beenakumary TP, Anu Vijayan, Sonia Susan, Anju Elizabeth. The Isomorphic Phenomenon. Malanadu Dental Journal 2020;9(4):17-19.
16 Anu V, pooja S, Sam S, Pravallika K, Atheena SA, Aimy J. Pyogenic Granuloma: A case Report. JSPIK 2020;12(1):20-23.
17 Gigi Roy, Sonia SP, Anu Vijayan, Anju ET. Radicular cyst : A case series. TAPER2019;3(1):47-50
18 Raina SR, Anu V, BeenakumaryTP, Sonia SP, Anju ET. Personalised Medicine- A treasured tailor for tomorrow. IJDMSR 2021;3(2):935-41.
19 Raina SR, BeenakumaryTP,Sheeba P, Anu V, Sonia SP, Anju ET A cross sectional analysis of digital panoramic radiographs for evaluation of elongated styloid process in central kerala population.Int J Maxillofacial Imaging 2021;7(4):163-68.
20 S Brijesh, T R Deepthi, Gigi Roy, Athira Joshy, Anu Vijayan. Oral cues associated with Corona virus Disease 2019 infection- A systematic review.IJSS 2021;9(8):10-19.
21 Gigi Roy, Anu Vijayan, Beenakumary TP. A short case report on lobular capillary hemangioma. Malanadu Dental Journal 2020; 9(1):31-32.

    Presentations in Regional, National and International Seminars/Conferences/Workshops

    SI. No Title of the Presentation Name of the Organizing Agency Regional/National /International Date of program


    10th NATIONAL TRIPLE O SYMPOSIUM, Lucknow National 2012
    2 OZONE- NEW RAY OF HOPE IAOMR national conference , NIMHANS, Banglore National 2011
    3 SONOPORATION: ULTRASOUND REDEFINED FOR THERAPY National IAOMR PG convention, Guntur National 2012
    4 THERANOSTICS – LINKING DIAGNOSIS & THERAPY IN ORAL CANCER. ( secured 2nd best poster prize) IDA Tellichery branch Regional February 2022
    5 PERSONALISED MEDICINE – INTO THE ERA OF PRECISION THERAPY (secured best scientific paper award) 73rd Indian dental national conference, kovalam National January 2020
    6 NOVEL CORONA VIRUS – A LIGHT INTO UNSEEN (secured best paper) Triple OOO CONCLAVE, Pushpagiri dental college Regional January 2021

    Short Courses or Certificate Programs


     Subject or Specialization

    Board or University

    Pursuing/ Date of Award


     Forensic odontology


    2 Health science education technology KUHS 23/10/2019

    Health Research Fundamentals Self-Learning Programme on

    NPTEL March 2021
    4 MOODLE KUHS 5/12/2020

    Completed Research Projects

    SI.No Title of the Project Enter Funding details if any (Amount In Rs.) Role Performed (Principal/ Co-Investigator) Date of Completion
    1 Evaluation of effectiveness of transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation (tens) therapy on saliva production in post radiation oral cancer patients Co-investigator 2013
    2 Radiographic incidence of posterior ponticulus in central Kerala population- A digital panoramic study Co-investigator 2019
    3 Comparison of effectiveness of virgin coconut oil and amelaxanox 5% oral paste in management of recurrent apthous ulcer. Co-investigator 2019
    4 Morphology of palatal rugae patterns and maxillary canine index for gender determination among central kerala population Co-investigator 2020
    5 Assessment of alveolar bone height and bone thickness in anterior maxilla in central Kerala population – A CBCT study Co-investigator 2020
    6 Assessment of accessory mental foramen – a CBCT study Co-investigator 2021
    7 Assessment of COVID 19 symptoms during and after infection in patients visiting dental clinic – a questionare based survey Principal investigator Co-investigator 2022

    On Going Research Projects

    SI.No  Title of the Project Enter Funding Agency Amount(In Rs.)  Role Performed (principal/Co-investigator)  Expected Date of Completion
    1 Incidence of HALLER cells in central kerala population – A CBCT Study Co-investigator 2023
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